もっと早く出会えれば…(ラスベガス竜ヶ峯道場 マイク・スミス)





この他にも、心の葛藤から解放される為に瞑想を20年間修業し、ヨガと共に現在 指導を行っています。



惜しまれるのは、先生のお教えをもっと早く少年期に体験できていれば、瞑想の修行に取り入れ、 その後、経験した、数々の戦いの場で慈悲の心を持って臨めたのではないかと言うことです。

ここまで読んでいただき誠にありがとうございました。 先生 今春、ラスベガスにまた来られることを心からお待ち申し上げております。

So you know over the past 59 years of my life, I studied the tools of Isshinryu karate as child and teenager; the tools of pistol and rifle and interrogation as a man for 27 years. The most recent tools that I have studied is Wing Chun gung fu for 15 years; and now Iaido for the past two years and just coming into Kenjitsu. Behind these tools, I have studied meditation the past 20 years to detach from the emotions of conflict and now teach it, along with the study of yoga. As I stepped into the training seminar with you and our class last October, an awakening occurred in me – that of honor and humility of being in the presence of you a man of honor as one who lives the code of bushido. Your teaching use to sit and meditate, bed or training with bokken I sensed the presence of my close military friends who have been killed in firefights near me, and one of honor to have the chance to experience what you taught us, wishing that I would have learned to meditate as a teenager so I could have carried that compassion into the skirmishes. Thank you for reading this and really appreciate that you are coming to Las Vegas this spring.

